Große Moschee von Touba i Touba

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Touba, Senegal
Kontakter telefon: +221 77 659 19 63
Latitude: 14.8631207, Longitude: -15.8754535
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Kommentar 5

  • Ablaye Deme

    Ablaye Deme


    Un lieu spirituel. Je suis toujours fascine quand je visite la mosquée. Un endroit exceptionnel, plein de spiritualité. À visiter au moins une fois dans sa vie.

  • Authentique Man'li

    Authentique Man'li


    TOUBA est notre humble demeure et MOURIDOULAH notre fierté ......DIEUREUDIEUF SERIGNE TOUBA

  • PAap Demba Ndiaye

    PAap Demba Ndiaye


    A great and beautiful mosquee. It contains a large history and is the most visited place in Senegal. More than 2,5 millions of visitors during the "Magal", a religious event hold one time in a year* (In the Muslim calendar)

  • Olivier Heller

    Olivier Heller


    The mosque is really great and worth a visit. However Touba is a bit out of the way of the usual tourist attractions. We needed a guide for the visit and had to respect the rules (shoes, clothing, pictures,...). A contribution was expected instead of a fee. At present, the mosque is being renovated. Reconstruction is foreseen to last for at least another 12 month.

  • Abdoulaye NDAO

    Abdoulaye NDAO


    Touba Mosque is one of the greatest mosque I’ve ever visited. It’s clean, well organized with a unique architecture. As soon as you enter this place you can feel how sacred and spiritual it is. Note that no one should enter with choose. I highly recommend to visit during twilight, you’ll have a breathtaking view of all the minarets lighten and a beautiful blue sky as a background. You can also pray Maghrib which is the sunset prayer.

Nærmeste Moske:

Mosquée Daarul Minan - Barabbu Segn Bassirou

14°51'32.0"N 15°52'49., Rue III, Dakar
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