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Pikine, Senegal
Kontakter telefon: +221 77 781 66 94
Latitude: 14.7512542, Longitude: -17.4004877
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Kommentar 5

  • Faizulislam Mozumder

    Faizulislam Mozumder


    Have any refuge camp in dakar senegal? A girl send me a mail her name is Esther gukama Her country name Africa and her father's name is Frank gukama owner of gukama associate Ltd , he tell me her situation is very bad and he wants my help, is it true? Please give me true information

  • Pardeep Gurra

    Pardeep Gurra


    This is totaly frode . So be aware and be carefull .I am also recive a message of a girl her name is Tudi henry she tell him ,i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal.my father is hit in a bomb blast during Dar- fur crises in year 2008.Before his death he was deposited 2.7 million US DOLLER in her A/C and i want to transfer this amount in your A/C and after this u send her some amout for prepiring document and air tickets for come to mett with u .After reading this letter I understand this is frode and i search her location on google map and i found there are many cases in area police review list and i able to safe him from her frode. So be + ve and so claver.

  • William Suli

    William Suli


    A girl in a refuge camp in Dakar Senegal wants to meet me in my country and I am not certain of it. Is there a refuge camp in Senegal?

  • Tevita Kunacewa

    Tevita Kunacewa


    A lady wrote a me she said she need help she's at the refugee camp at dakar her name is fartu cudjoe n her father have $57000,000 in his account n allready pass away as she is the next of kin ,ask me for help she gave me contact to the bank manager Mr Brian Winston but his assistants ohuche ifeanyi told me if i need that money i have to send $1500 for the transaction then he can send the money is it true?

  • petrus haikera

    petrus haikera


    I'm Haikera Petrus from Namibia I just want to confirm if there is a refugee camp in Dakar.

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